Wie die USA das russische Nervengas "Nowitschok" erlangten

Nach der Auflösung der Sowjetunion  gelangten die USA  in der ehemaligen Sowjetrepublik Uskekistan  in den Besitz des russischen Kampfstoffes und  Nervengases " Nowitschok", dass zur 4. Generation der Nervengase gehört.

Entsprechend einem Artikel in der New York Times kam es 1999 zur Kooperation bei der Evakuierung ehemaliger sowjetischer Kampfstoffe  von Usbekistan mit den USA.

Russland hat Nervengift „Nowitschok“ auf seinem Territorium niemals produziert. Dies teilte auch das Ex-Mitglied der UN-Kommission zu Bio- und Chemiewaffen, Igor Nikulin, gegenüber internationalen Medien mit. Darum geht es auch in einem Artikel der Zeitung „New York Times“ aus dem Jahr 1999, der sich beispielsweise auch auf den sowjetischen Überläufer Wil Mirsajanow beruft.

Namentlich wird in dem Artikel aus den  Mai 1999 "Nowitschok" erwähnt. 


The United States and Uzbekistan have quietly negotiated and are expected to sign a bilateral agreement today to provide American aid in dismantling and decontaminating one of the former Soviet Union's largest chemical weapons testing facilities, according to Defense Department and Uzbek officials.

Earlier this year, the Pentagon informed Congress that it intends to spend up to $6 million under its Cooperative Threat Reduction program to demilitarize the so-called Chemical Research Institute, in Nukus, Uzbekistan. Soviet defectors and American officials say the Nukus plant was the major research and testing site for a new class of secret, highly lethal chemical weapons called ''Novichok,'' which in Russian means ''new guy.''

The agreement to help Uzbekistan clean up the plant is part of wide-ranging cooperation between Tashkent and Washington since the former Soviet republic of Uzbekistan became independent in 1991. Yesterday, American and Uzbek officials opened a series of meetings in Tashkent, the Uzbek capital.

Uzbek officials said in interviews earlier this year that, only after their country became independent, did they come to understand the legacy of pollution that had resulted from their designated role as the Soviet Union's major testing ground for chemical and biological weapons. ''We were shocked when we first learned the real picture,'' said Isan M. Mustafoev, the Deputy Foreign Minister, in an interview in Tashkent last March.

Das bilaterale Abkommen mit dem Ziel  der Beseitigung dieser russischer Kampfstoffe  zwischen Usbekistan und USA wurde geschlossen. Im Rahmen dieser Arbeiten wurde deutlich, dass Usbekistan ein Zentrum der geheimen  Kampfmittelherstellung der ehemaligen Sowjetunion gewesen ist, 

Die USA investierten 6 Millionen Dollar in die Evakuierung dieser Kampfstoffe wie "Nowitschok".

1991 war Usbekistan unabhängig geworden. Der große Umfang  der Kampfstoffe überraschte selbst die zuständigen Behörden.

Alarmed by the health and environmental impact of the Soviets' use of Uzbekistan for the production and large-scale testing of illegal chemical and germ weapons, President Islam A. Karimov renounced weapons of mass destruction. Since then, his Government has worked closely with American defense officials, granting them access to sites whose counterparts in Russia are still off limits.

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The Chemical Research Institute, which is in a closed military complex in Nukus in the semi-autonomous republic of Karakalpakstan, is a case in point. Uzbek officials said they were still uncertain what kind of chemical agents, or how many, were made and tested here and elsewhere on Uzbek soil.

Russia has refused to disclose the information, Uzbek officials complain, and some international arms inspectors have said there is no proof that the Nukus plant was used to produce chemical weapons, now banned.

After touring the plant last year, inspectors from the Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons, the Hague-based agency that oversees the 1993 treaty banning chemical weapons, concluded that the institute may have tested weapons but was not a production site.

Mr. Mustafoev, the Deputy Foreign Minister, scoffed at the finding, arguing there is plenty of evidence of such work at the lab that the Soviets built in 1986, closed to all but the Russian scientists who worked there, and abandoned only in 1992. American officials agreed, noting that a senior defector from the Soviet chemical weapons program, Vil S. Mirzayanov, who worked for more than 25 years in the Soviet chemical weapons program, has told them and later said publicly that the plant was built to produce batches, for testing, of Novichok binary weapons designed to escape detection by international inspectors.

Col. Islamov Abushair, the commander of the Uzbek military base in Nukus, highlighted what he called evidence of the secret Soviet chemical weapons program as he escorted this reporter recently on a rare tour of the plant, now closed. As the Soviet Union was crumbling, he explained, the more than 300 scientists at the plant packed up their deadly chemicals, their most sensitive equipment, manuals, and their test results and returned to their country.

Nukus in Usbekistan war das Zentrum der Sowjetunion zur Herstellung von "Nowitschok". Spätestens seit 1999 haben die US Behörden Zugriff auf dieses Nervengas-Arsenal. Die USA wurde explizit damit beauftragt, dieses Kampfmittel "Nowitschok" zzu beseitigen.

Es ist also eine Propagandalüge zu behaupten, dass nur Russland im Besitz von "Nowitschok" sein konnte. Es wirft ein ganz anderes Licht auf die Attacke gegen den Ex-Russischen Doppelagenten Skripal, der in Salisbury / GB attackiert worden war.

Die britische Regierungschefin May stellte Russland ein Ultimatum . Gleichzeitig weigert sich die britische Regierung der russischen Seite Spurenelemente des angeblichen russischen Nervengases zur Verfügung zu stellen. Diese Untersuchungen könnten ergeben, dass das Nervengas aus Usbekistan stammt.